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GA-YBJ18E Fully Automatic High Speed Coin Wrapping Machine


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No.6, Alley 1225, Tongpu Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

GA-YBJ18E Fully Automatic High Speed Coin Wrapping Machine

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GA-YBJ18E Fully Automatic High Speed Coin Wrapping Machine

Can be fully automatic counting and packaging of coins or chips of different diameters and thickness, and can remove small diameter coins, with sorting function, packaging speed: 25 volumes per minute
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Smart Sorting Machines

Product description:
The GA-YBJ18E coin packaging machine is a complete set of full-machine technology of the German REIS company. It is a high-performance coin packaging machine that is designed by our company for circuit Hanization and produced independently in China.
The GA-YBJ18E coin sorting and packaging machine can fully fully count and package coins or chips of different diameters and thicknesses, and at the same time remove small-diameter coins during the counting and packaging process, with the function of sorting coins. The machine has the function of self-diagnosis, failure prompt, running state display and counting, currency, volume calculation. The unique double-counting sensor ensures the accuracy of the number of coins per roll, and the accuracy of the difference can be controlled within 2 per 100,000.
Product characteristics:
1. High accuracy
2. Automatic counting, packaging
3. Have the function of sorting coins
4. With boot self-diagnosis, fault prompt function
5. Double Count Sensors ensure the accuracy of the number of coins per roll
6. Can be fully automatic counting and packaging of coins or chips of different diameters and different thicknesses. At the same time, small diameter coins can be removed and sorted. The packaging speed is 25 volumes per minute.

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Address:No.6, Alley 1225, Tongpu Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai, China


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